Ptarmigan Ridge
I’ve been belly aching so much about how some pretty hikes are too easy and how trees make poor conversationalist, that you might think I’m one of those asshole client that can’t be pleased. Think again! Yesterday, I have actually found a hike that even I have a hard time grumbling about despite the low low elevation gain (2500ft) and crazy long drive away (3hrs). The entire hike was just gorgeous from beginning to end…although the trail guide said the ridge was 8 miles roundtrip, the trail continues on for what seems like forever. We had to leave because it was getting late and in the end, my GPS said we hiked 10.9 miles.
I would talk more about it, but it’s late and I need to get start packing for my backpacking trip tomorrow. No, we’re still not done with our project, but due to the insane “wait” time, we’re told we can take some time off to decompress…so I figured instead of planning some major vacation to visit 4 wonderful men in Gay Area, I ought to stay close.
Slide of Ptarmigan Ridge here.

Slide of Ptarmigan Ridge here.
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