Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Bastard and the Blogger

I originally started this blog to give myself something to do when I’m hungover or too drunk to sleep. Now that my life is naturally selecting for less hungover/drunken babbling, I’ve rediscovered something about myself. I actually enjoy writing. If memory serves me correct, I used to love creative writing classes…then liberal arts college came along with its many term papers and stamped out all will to compose extraneous sentences.

I guess this is pretty much my way of expressing any creativity in me, because I can’t draw worth a damn like some Shawn person. Bastard! Seriously, don’t make me scare people with my stick figures again! I have done that…I told Brian on more than one occasion that I can’t even draw a stick figure. One day, he said, “That’s not possible that you can’t mess up a stick figure. Go draw one on the board.” I did. He started to say something nice about it then grimaced, “See, I told… Oh WOW, you really can’t draw a stick figure. What the hell is wrong with his head? It looks all crushed and the eyes make it look retarded.” STICK FIGURE! I got all that from drawing a stick figure…that coming from my best friend who was trying very hard to be encouraging too. Had it been anyone else, I’m sure that person would just turn to me and say, “You should saw your right hand off with a rusty butter knife and end the terror now.”

So this blog became my place to do some sober rambling, not much of a step forward. I do wonder sometimes if I stumbled upon this blog myself, (not belonging to me) would I care to read it. I would think maybe not initially, but now, I would totally read it just to see when the short Chinese gal would eat it. Yeah, I would rub my hands together after every weekend to await pictures of slings and casts. Don’t look at me like that, I would be nice about it and leave nice little comments, “Oh noes! Get well soon!” And then I’ll go back to my snickering. Then go back and be encouraging, “You know you just gotta get back on that horse! You canh dew eet!” *snicker*

I had a nasty migraine today. It might be a tumor? Of course it’s a tumor. Death had plans for me getting cirrhosis, but now, as a backup method, a tumor is implanted.

I’ve been swimming happily in my sea of new books, finished a short crappy book and a new comic book that I’ve been waiting half a year for. I started on four of the other books then finally settled happily on Rebel Without a Crew, by Robert Rodriguez who wrote and directed my favorite segment in “Four Rooms: The Misbehavers” (this also came highly recommended from Ian who decided I would love this book based on books that I like, he was sooo right). It’s a fucking hilarious book. In the beginning he talks about being a human guinea pig to raise money for his first film, “El Mariachi” (I need to see this)…some of the stuff they go through as a lab rat is insane...hell they watched another rat group on low-fat/low-cal diet go insane. Thing I love the most about non-fiction books is, you almost always come away learning something new and interesting whether you dig the subject or not.


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