Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Books Are Evil

I am a creature of many drug habits. You already know about REI, my main supplier of the highly addictive and insanely expensive cocaine. Meet my other dealer, Amazon.com. Amazon sells the less expensive, keeps me mellow and happy weed. I might have mentioned that I read a lot (by my standard anyhow)…by a lot, I mean I usually buy around 6-10 books a month, finishing around 2/3 of them…the leftover 1/3 are books that I just skimmed through and/or got quickly bored of, keep in mind, I'm usually in middle of reading 10 or so books. I usually get 2-3 shipments of books from Amazon of $25+ to get their free shipping per month. Recently, they’ve been trying to push their stupid “Amazon Prime” membership and this even more stupid new “Upgrade to Read Your Book Online”. I’m not in that much of a hurry to get my books most of the time, so I didn’t want their stupid Prime membership for speedy shipping…not to mention the books are usually sent from two cities away from me, so shipping is usually super fast. Now I think they’re intentionally holding onto my books to force me to upgrade…this is just stupid. They want me to pay them an extra $4.38 just so that I can read a book online that I've already paying for...before I get the physical copy.
They currently have two sets of my orders placed over 2 weeks ago that have not been shipped. One of the orders contains "The Van Gogh Blues", which has shipping estimate of 1-3 weeks, so I can understand...but my other order of five freaking books are ALL 24 hours shipping.
So today I finally broke down and went crawling back to my old overpriced weed dealer, Barnes & Noble. I forget how much I miss visiting B&N. I forget how much that place rapes my wallet with all the billions of cool information contained in their glossy bound paper. Still, it's nice to grab a pile of books and sit on some armchair and skim for hours. My buddy/coworker, Ian emailed me with a recommendation of "Man's Search For Meaning" which I had to buy because I've actually read about the guy in another book and was very interested in his story. It's really too bad Ian lives in California because we have similar taste in books (anything fun and non-fiction) and being able to trade books with someone would save me so much money. Read any good non-fiction book lately that you would recommend?

I've surprised myself with how oddly not sore I've been from my backpacking trip...I mean sure my legs were worthless and retarded on Sunday night, but I was fine by Monday. Then I went to the gym today, and I realize how wrong I am. Each machine that isolates a certain muscle group will remind me where I am sore...which is everywhere. So I guess somehow by the power of being in pain all over, I'm not in any pain.


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