Thursday, June 15, 2006

A Little Wallpaper of Good Cheer

I’ve been a bit under the weather lately…it’s not like I’m feeling sick, but I know I am sick. I know this because I lose my appetite when I’m sick. I opted to skip lunch today so Brian bought me some lunch while he was out with the lunch crew. He came back with two giant slabs of ribs and a side of chicken wings (this is my typical order, meat with a side of meat…did I mention I’m a carnivore?) and normally when a guy does this for me, I declare my undying love for him. Today, I looked through the boxes…a bit confused by these cook animal flesh stuff, thanked him and pushed it aside (if you know me at all, this is a sign that I’m on my death bed). I went back to work. Some while later an artist came by with some questions and I nearly stabbed him for no good apparent reason…he asked a very simple question about whether we can repurpose the same tree for two things. The answer is always a simple, no we can’t have something looking exactly the same and doing two things, just change the color on the tree…I contemplated strangle him with my mouse cord. I had to calm myself down and wonder what the hell is wrong with me…cover your eyes boys… Time of the month? No. Indigestion? No, I haven’t eaten yet… Hey, that’s it, it’s freaking 5pm and I have yet to eat.
I’m a simple creature, I don’t feel like eating when I get sick. I get cranky as fuck when I’m hungry; even if I don’t know I am…food go in the pie-hole NOW!!!
I decided to leave work early today, and by early, I mean work a normal 8 hour day…unheard of during crunch mode. I made a little detour to my favorite park on the way home. Being that it’s actually really early out (7pm early!), I got to wander around in the woods part of the park where the boogey monsters are still asleep. I hadn’t seen this part of the park in years; it’s even more beautiful than I remembered it.
Considering how many people wander around this park I was very surprised by the complete lack of people in the forest trail. I’m also a bit surprised by how few people come to this place when it’s so close to downtown Seattle. The view of downtown skyline is always gorgeous here.
This coming up month will be gloriously grueling with our project completion date set for mid July. You know it’s a bad sign when your project producer comes up to you, all giddy and excited, saying, “We found a 24-hour Starbucks nearby!” I just put up this picture as my computer wallpaper to remind myself to get out as soon as possible.Dorky, I know, but the good cheer from that trip has to last me another month. My old wallpaper rocks, but I've had it for years.And if you’re not familiar with Strong Bad or been out of touch with him lately, here’s a recent favorite of mine. Everyone that has been introduced to Strong Bad by a friend usually gets one that reminded someone of you...this is mine.


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