Monday, July 03, 2006

Reality Check

Crunch mode at work has a way of warping reality. It almost feels like I’m high and time loses all meaning. All I could wrap my head around was if statements…then I picked up one of my new books that came in today from Amazon while I was building the project. Dispatches From the Edge, by Anderson Cooper will fuck with your head if it’s lost in some Star Wars Universe…hell, seeing those words in the same sentence just now fucked with my head. It’s just so strange to be completely lost in a video game world and then read, “In the next two hours, tsunami waves strike ten other countries. More than two hundred thousand people will die.” I had to pause a moment to figure out where I was…seriously the idea that people die was beyond my comprehension at that snap second in time…it didn’t seem real. I’m about quarter of the way through the book now, it’s really good, I highly recommend it. I did comment to Brian how inappropriately depressing that book is for me right now...he mentioned I could go back to reading Thus Spake Zarathustra, by Nietzsche for even greater depression. I've been reading that for over a year now...I'm not even done with Part One on that, it is too depressing...that it has taken me that fucking long to read the thing.
Yes, I will be working ALL of July 4th, we’re making the game for a British company, and we can’t exactly expect them to celebrate our independence from them. We’re supposed to turn something in on the 5th then go on bug fix patrol from there. Don’t feel too bad for me…soon as we wrap up, I’m packing my bag and heading for the woods. I’m actually going to ignore my stupid fear of being out in the woods alone at night and try a solo trip, so I’m checking around for a decently populated trail. I figure that way, if I get eaten by bears, someone might find my teeth and let my family know…that my upper left molar could probably use more filling.
I’m currently undecided between checking out a section of the Pacific Crest Trail (I’m still thinking about thru-hiking that someday), Mount St Helen Park, or Olympic Park.


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