Saturday, July 01, 2006

Some Bitch with that Whine

You know...I had hoped that a nice morning hike would make working on a very sunny Saturday suck a few less donkey balls...but it doesn't. So here we go...whine, whine, whine, bitch, bitch, bitch. Okay, I can shut the fuck up about work already and move onto bigger and better plans to go dancing and drinking later. Now I remember why I became such an alcoholic...working insane hours will do that to you. Oh, and don't anyone try and ask me what I'm doing on the 4th, because even if I can't kick you in the crotch right now, I will remember to do so at the earliest opportunity. I'm a girl, I remember these important details. I definitely don't want to hear from my friends that aren't crunching at working taking some 4 day weekend to backpack.


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