Monday, August 28, 2006

The Cellphone Debate

There are two types of cellphone owners, those that love the RAZR and those that HATE it!

I hate the fact that every single person on this planet owns the same phone that I have and I hate it even more that they didn't have to shell out a few hundred bucks for it. Still, I've had my RAZR for a long time now and I'm still very much in love with it. I love it because of one is virtually indestructible. I've dropped the thing so many times and yet it still ticks.

My sister has this weird phone curse where none of her phones last. One phone got dropped on the head so much it would randomly not allow her to hear the people calling you call her and you hear her go: "Hello? Hello? Oh, sorry, my phone is acting up again, I know you can hear me, but I can't hear you. I'll call you right back in a sec." *click* Then her phone will work when she calls back. Ghetto! After a while it wouldn't even work when she calls back.

Her next phone, within a week of her getting it, she dropped it on a granite tile at this bar. I see her pick up her used-to-be clam-shell phone, it's now in two pieces connected by the wire that links the two. She had to talk in it like those kids cups with a string phone.

Finally, I convinced her she needed a RAZR because of its toughness. She didn't want to have the same phone as everyone, but couldn't resist when the pink ones came out. She was very happy with the phone for a while...dropped it right away and it lived. Then...she lost it.

I told her there's something very wrong with her... Her phones are either committing suicide or running away from home. Poor phones, "I can't take this anymore, I going to kill myself! Shit, I didn't die. Plan B: Run away!" Her phone insurance actually cut her off at some point...I didn't think they could do that.

Edit: Don't praise your electronics! They can NOT be praised. My phone died on me shortly after I wrote this entry. It was a battery thing. I've noticed that when I first got my phone, I could hike around the world on just one charge and still have juice left to talk smack about your I can't go to the grocery store without the battery dying. The battery problem would be not much of an issue if I still had my car charger, but I loaned that to my sister who lost her other charger...and then her car died and it has been in the shop for over 2 months now with my charger...yeah been there since this blog entry. So I had the battery replaced, bought myself another car charger and all is well, but I'm not praising that phone anymore. Also, what's up with my sister and her phones, charger, car and shit? Too weird.


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