Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Pirates and Mold

Ever leave work for oh…maybe a week or so and forget to empty all drinking cups in your work area beforehand? And then you come back and stuff are talking to you from a cup? Well, yeah, me neither…nothing to see here, just move along.
So I was in the kitchen area boiling and scrubbing the hell out of the cup for fifteen minutes when a coworker asked about my diligent cleaning scheme. I told him about the talking stuff and he asked, “Now was it just talking to you, or was it sitting on your chair and coding for you?” I sighed, “No, the thing took after me and was just sitting there mouthing off, surfing the web, and reading other people’s blogs.” Scary how replaceable I am.
What am I doing these days? Well, our current project is still not quite done…but instead of waiting, I get to help on other projects. I’ve moved onto helping make some menus for Pirates of the Carribean 3…but instead of helping, I’m really terrorizing the team. It turns out they have nothing designed for the menu, so I demanded a menu mock-up…when the designer quickly scraped together one, I rejected the design as impossible and asked for redesign. Did I mention I can be a bit of a bitch?
Thing is, I’ve seen that exact same menu design before for when my old team was working on Narnia, it’s a quest log that looks like an open book with a lot of text on both sides of the book. Problem comes in with the fact that the Nintendo DS screen is super tiny with 256x192 pixels…you can (at most) fit one side of the book. So I’m pushing for a redesign because even though I don’t mind at all wasting my time on a menu that will be useless (because time to waste is what I have at the moment)…I’d like to give them something they can actually use.

My sister mentioned wanting to see a movie tonight and she's letting me pick... Is it me, or do all the movies currently out suck horse poo? I mean there's actually a movie out in box office that has ZERO% on rottentomatoes! I'm currently leaning toward Little Miss Sunshine or Who Killed the Electric Car, but I don't think either one is her type of movie.


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