Friday, August 18, 2006

Geeks At A Picnic

Yesterday was our Annual Company Picnic or what I’d like to refer to as Watch Out-Of-Shape Geeks Hurt Themselves. Yes, despite the fact that we, the game developers, often wow the world with our powerful, muscle-bulging physique…we are not so finely tuned for friendly company flag football games.

Did anyone get hurt yesterday? I’m not sure, I got distracted by the meat roasting in the corner. However I counted at least two people that got hurt the day before from doing their practice game. One guy ran into a fence so hard he has a nasty bruise on his head and his eyebrow almost needed stitching, but the doctor told him it would heal with less scarring if they taped it. Another guy could barely walk because he pulled a hamstring.

Did I join the game? Hell, no. Brian asked why I didn’t want to play…I told him I didn’t want the upper-management team to trample the hell out of me. The “friendly” games are getting more serious…this year, the team that upper-management belongs to got t-shirts made with all their names on the back and the years they’ve won on the front. I don’t want to be the one holding the ball when those guys are on the field.

Slide here.

Wait! Wait! So being that I work for a geek company, am I going to see Snakes on A Plane? What? That would mean we would have to put down the irons that we're pumping, ruining that set and sit still in front of a brightly-lit screen for a few hours. Unheard of! Hahaha, you motherf*cking bet we're going to see ourselves some motherf*cking snakes during motherf*cking work hour.


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