Friday, August 11, 2006

RIP Camera, Hello Bike

I’m still alive! The new pictures posted in my Flickr account isn’t done by the some creepy stalker hold me hostage for free Chinese food from my mom’s restaurant, because god knows, she’ll let them keep me. That’s a total saving of three people’s worth of food daily.

In some really sad world, my favorite camera died. It coughed up some blood and went into the light. I guess I’m a bit too hard on my equipment sometimes…like I expect it to be able to scale cliff sides with me and get all banged up with me and still survive…so not the case. Still, after having that camera for the last few months made me realize how much I love it, so I went out and got the same one (yes, my wallet is bleeding).

So I just realize I’m going to completely chicken out on shaving my head. I honestly was getting really excite over the prospect of sitting around rubbing my clean shaved head with a nice cold PBR in hand, but the one thing that has been holding me back is having to explain it to my mother. I’ve thought about it and thought about it…and it was really starting to depress me. It depressed me to the point where I realize, it’s just not worth it. I know my mother will cry when she sees me…and I really don’t know how to deal with that. I’ve made my mom cry once in my life and it made me feel like smallest person in the world - whatever joy or personal growth I might gain by lopping off my hair will be greatly diminished by this.

I figured I need to save these big stressful moments on my poor traditional Chinese mother for more important things, like…oh when I bring home a boyfriend who is a big black dude escaping from death row.

In a happier world, an old friend of mine, Myra is organizing a bike riding party in some nearby island tomorrow, so I figured I should take my bike out for a spin today. I had to literally dust the cobwebs off the poor thing. I took it out to my favorite park and rode around the bike loop, then on the streets along Lake Washington. I hadn’t ridden a bike on the streets since I was in grade school, I forgot how not freaky it is. For some reason, when I got my current bike a few years back, I got scared of the idea of riding on the streets, like people would swerve just to hit me. I’ve also driven along that same Lake Washington streets many times and people on bikes (especially with that lady who you know just bought her bike, wobbling back and forth on the road) always freaked me out, so I figured it must be just as freaky to be the rider.
Oddly enough, when I’m on the bike, I feel less freaked-out, like I own the damned road with my little two-wheeler…every damned car must move out of my damned way! Suddenly I become that lady with the wobbly riding, and I am oblivious to all the cars around me. Good times!


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