Sunday, October 29, 2006

Just Thinking

Sorry for slacking on the updates again. I supposed this whole novelty of blogging thing is wearing off on me, and it’s now the old cool toy that lost its appeal. I’ve been in a bit of a reflecting mood lately and less writing.

I think I’m hitting another of life’s milestone…if there is such a thing. Like I always think that people hit a milestone around age 25 of their life where they suddenly decide everything that they think is right suddenly is wrong…I warn buddies looking for serious relationships against dating girls 24-26. Now that I’m 30, I’m suddenly looking at my career path and questioning the hell out of it. I still love making games, it makes the geeky kid in me giggle – yet it’s not fulfilling my dreams as an adult to make some kind of difference in the world. I’m supposed to start looking for a place for my restaurant, but I’m wondering how that fits in my wishes to contribute to the well-being of the world. So I’m thinking.


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