Friday, April 28, 2006

Long Boring Restless Rant and Rambling

I've been getting tired of the gaming industry lately. If you've seen Eric's comic, you'll see one form of someone getting tired of it, he's got a bad case of industry burnout. Me, I've always known my days would be's probably why I'm one of a happiest person in the industry. I realize I'm living my childhood dream job and it’s temporary. It's what I've always wanted to do, unfortunately, sometimes little kids do grow up and heaven forbid they should actually wish to do something else. I was a very different person when I was younger, I loved people, but they wore me out. I was not mentally equipped to deal with them, being a programmer was great for that. I simply have to sit in front of a computer with minimal people dealing.
I’d like to think that I’ve grown up and learned how to deal with people a lot better. There are still times when I know better to avoid certain people, like I would rather risk walking alone in the park at night than go out with my drinking buddies or my sister (emphasis on sister). Regardless, for the most part, I love dealing with people now.
Game industry also has a pretty defined glass ceiling, you become programming lead and that’s that. I don’t want to be a lead programmer, my boss has been trying for over a year to get me to be one, but I’d rather not. I was talking to Brian about this restlessness recently. I mentioned I don’t get how most programmers are content with what they do there’s just not a lot of room for growth. His reply is a metaphor for one of the programmers, “That guy is sitting on top of the mountain and feeling like the king of the world.” I told him maybe that’s why I’ll never be content. Like recently, I was sitting on top of Mailbox Peak, I was bone weary, but all I could do was look off in the distant and seeing that other taller mountain. I want to train to climb that.
As a kid, I've always read about people trying to climb Mt. Everest and dying, and I thought, “Stupid white guy.” Now I understand why….wait...little Chinese girls don’t grow up to be stupid white guys do they?
I’m currently hoping to start a lounge type thing. I wish to be around people for a change. While I know I don’t have a lot of experience, I know a TON about what not to do. I’ve watched my sister for so long. I’ve watched people get frustrated with her…this is one of the most horrifying experience ever. I’ve had to hang out with my sister a lot for the last year because she has needed me more than any other time, but to get front row seat to her dealing with people has made me scream and cry in frustration more than once. Many people have asked me why I haven’t stepped in to steer her the right way…I’ve tried, you can’t change someone… One thing she does that really gets my goat is she does the minimal required…in EVERY aspect of her life. She gets the ball rolling on things then walks away. Even when I thought she has changed for the better I realized she’s learned the minimum to get by with me, she’s learned to talk the talk… I can see this, but she is still my sister. People don’t change. I have only one choice left to make, I chose to love my sister for all her faults and wherever I could, I try to get people to see that her choices are still hers to make. I can feel people sometimes transferring their frustration with my sister over to me because they’ve somehow decided I must be exactly like her. *sigh*
I’m simply me, forgive me for deciding to love my sister and letting her live her life for herself.


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