Friday, June 16, 2006

Old Friend of the Lizard

I’m shedding my skin…like a little lizard except without the cool eyeball licking ability. My sunburn is starting to “heal” I think. I know it’s gross, but peeling off your skin is oddly entertaining…hours of fun to be had sitting in front of the mirror trying to tear off the biggest flake of skin. Reminds me of being in elementary school, we would put Elmer’s glue on the back of our hands and peel it off when it dries to create this patch of fake dead skin. Did I mention I’m easily entertained?

My coworkers gathered for beer Friday again today, I told them I had to pass…so that I can go home and read. A couple guys came by to check my forehead. Another guy told them to maybe not stand so close to me since “not-drinking” could cause instability in me, thus promoting violent tendency. Smart asses.

I’ve got a pretty early hike tomorrow that I’m very excited about, partly for the hiking, but mostly for my partner in crime. This morning, I text messaged my old roommate, Dave, whom I hadn’t seen in about two-three years now and asked him if he wanted to go hike with me. He promptly replied with a yes. I really miss Dave. We were old drinking buddies that became roommates because I just ended up crashing at his place all the time along with the party crew, I kind of fell out of touch with him because of that fact. I didn’t feel like drinking so damned much at some point…by damned much, I mean no less than ten beers…that's just on weeknights. Because we were roommates, we were pretty close friends, but still we were bad influence on each other. Sometimes, you just have to let a friend go when you’re not in the same place in your life. He used to randomly go hiking and backpacking with his stepfather and I would always give him shit back then. So…I just remembered that he loves being outdoors so I’ve brought him back to my life, hopefully to be better influence on each other this time. He was so excited when I spoke to him earlier asking if he need his ice axe and crampons. I told him, "Dude, I’m not that hardcore, just bring your boots, gaiters, and titanium cup." He was still giddy. The hike I have in mind for tomorrow is pretty evil, and he hasn't hike for a good half a year, I hope his giddiness will endure.
Seattle tonight.-->


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