And I Live
JC didn't kick my ass, much to the disappointment of many coworkers. Really, they didn't even pretend like they were happy I survived.
I thought taking your first karate class when you're much older would be weird, but I've came to the conclusion that if I start thinking like that now, I'm going to be missing out on a LOT of cool stuff. Brian punked out, but another coworker of mine joined us, who was also going for the first time, but ALSO has a freaking black belt in a slightly different school of karate (shotokan). It seems like everyone and their grandma has a black belt these days, I should watch my auto-sassing tongue. "Should" stays with me until I'm in presence of company.
My coworker mentioned something that was oddly comforting, he noticed I was a little apprehensive...alright I was downright kicking and screaming all the way with JC trying very hard to soothe me...he said his old sensei once told him, "No matter what, your first class will always be awkward." Alrighty then! If I know that it's expected that I will look like an idiot, I can comfortable rest in being an idiot and focus on other stuff. Turns out it really wasn't that bad, years of my taking random crazy classes (try Flamenco or Irish dancing) have taken the edge off being the idiot.
I did accomplish a few things from this class:
a) Spend some time with JC. He's a long time friend, and life and work has gotten much in the way of us hanging out.
b) Finally take that damned karate class. I believe there are two things that most of the population would love to know how to do, one, karate or some equivalent form of martial arts, two, play the fucking piano.
So, now I just need some piano lessons and I can die happy. I'm also pleased to announce that I've somehow "learned" how to be a lot more coordinated. I vaguely remember kicking my own ass during some gym class back in high school, gave myself a black-eye. That's just something you can't really explain...yeah, when you suddenly scream and double-over in pain with no one around you, just pretend like it never happened. What black-eye?
I thought taking your first karate class when you're much older would be weird, but I've came to the conclusion that if I start thinking like that now, I'm going to be missing out on a LOT of cool stuff. Brian punked out, but another coworker of mine joined us, who was also going for the first time, but ALSO has a freaking black belt in a slightly different school of karate (shotokan). It seems like everyone and their grandma has a black belt these days, I should watch my auto-sassing tongue. "Should" stays with me until I'm in presence of company.
My coworker mentioned something that was oddly comforting, he noticed I was a little apprehensive...alright I was downright kicking and screaming all the way with JC trying very hard to soothe me...he said his old sensei once told him, "No matter what, your first class will always be awkward." Alrighty then! If I know that it's expected that I will look like an idiot, I can comfortable rest in being an idiot and focus on other stuff. Turns out it really wasn't that bad, years of my taking random crazy classes (try Flamenco or Irish dancing) have taken the edge off being the idiot.
I did accomplish a few things from this class:
a) Spend some time with JC. He's a long time friend, and life and work has gotten much in the way of us hanging out.
b) Finally take that damned karate class. I believe there are two things that most of the population would love to know how to do, one, karate or some equivalent form of martial arts, two, play the fucking piano.
So, now I just need some piano lessons and I can die happy. I'm also pleased to announce that I've somehow "learned" how to be a lot more coordinated. I vaguely remember kicking my own ass during some gym class back in high school, gave myself a black-eye. That's just something you can't really explain...yeah, when you suddenly scream and double-over in pain with no one around you, just pretend like it never happened. What black-eye?
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