Tuesday, April 04, 2006

On a Slightly Serious Note

<-(left to right: Amanda, my sister, Eric, me) My sister and I went to Triple Door to hear Amanda Lammert sing. She is really quite an amazing singer live with a lot of adorable sass. I think around mid-April she will start singing at my sister's place every Sunday.
We met a guy there named, Bo, he's Chinese Italian. I think the guy wears more makeup than me, but he's also prettier so I hate that bitch. Then there's this drunk guy Bill who kept trying to dance with all the girls while trying to steal my drink. MY Guinness!!!
Onto a more serious note, I woke up this morning with a slight bit of depression. I know this because I usually wake up to the bright beams of light pouring through my windows while angels sing sweet melody...this morning it was not the case. I just felt a little ill without being physically sick. I was going through a minor case of people weary. I get that. It has been only 12 days since I started my meeting new people project and honestly there have already been a good couple days when I wanted to quit.
I wanted to quit because I told myself this project feels a bit shallow in how I meet these people. I wanted to quit because it really is tiring to make yourself meet someone new every single day, after all there are days when you just want to walk around with your head hanging and not talking to anyone. Then I decided I should at the very least finish the danged thing because I'm still learning something new from it every day. We shall see how things go. I know the way around this is to figure out a way to see things from a different light.I believe this because far as I can tell a lot of human behavior can be modified by awareness and intention. A few nights ago, my sister and I crawled home late and drunk and my mom was up. She asked if my sister would do her hair. Being that it was so late, my sister didn’t really want to, but I told my sister she should just do it, and that I sit up with them because my mom looked like she really really wanted her hair done badly. I made myself some soup while my sister mixed up dye for my mother. I listened to them chat, throwing in a couple comments here and there.

I listened to how my sister talks to my mom, and I was a bit horrified, because I know that’s probably how I talk to my sister…with just a slight bit of contempt in her tone and a disregard for my mother’s word. I realize my sister does not mean any disrespect for my mother, but she is simply exasperated with her. My mother talked about how her siblings are saying dreadful things about her despite the fact that she loaned them huge amounts of money, money still owed to her. My sister’s point is that her siblings have always been terrible to her no matter what she has done for them…so she doesn’t understand why my mom would keep putting herself out there to get hurt.
I do love my sister. I didn’t mean to disregard her opinion. I realize while this stems from my exasperation with her, it shows that I don’t respect her opinion. This is bad. Couples do this all the time in their relationship and this can break them up. The way to combat this, is an awareness of what you are doing, and that when you do feel the rise of need to not listen to her…you simply have to focus on why you think this person is special. My sister is a strong, wonderful, loving person that people meet and instantly fall in love with because she is so kind, she is someone that deserves my time to hear out.
Now I believe this same method can be applied to every relationship however shallow. Learning to love everyone is a hard task, but I believe it to be worthwhile.

Take the day I asked about the cannibis leaf on the Starbucks apron, everyone that was there actively discussed it. It could have been just another routine trip, but energy in the room was transformed when everyone lifted their head and pitched into the debate. The laughter brought in magic. Sure, I'm sappy sometimes.


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