Friday, April 07, 2006

Day 14 - Savine

Savine is Jen's friend/hairdresser…odd that I've known Jen for over a year, and only just now meeting Savine for the first time. She's Cambodian, and the name itself is ethnically Cambodian. I went to elementary school with a lot of Cambodian friends and I swear all of their names were at least twice as long and much harder to pronounce, she somehow lucked out. She’s adorable and ready to marry her boyfriend of two years. She won our buddy, Anthony’s heart by declaring her love for fried chicken from the KFC in (this is important) Capitol Hill over Ezelle’s.
We were in McCormick’s on 1st having some drinks when Savine saw some guy that she swore she has met somewhere. She and Jen were actively discussing whether she knew this guy or not, when I turned around and introduced myself. I simply said, hi, and asked for his name (Joe) and said my friend seems to recognize him from somewhere. I apologized for bugging him, but I told him, it’s a slightly better fate than having strangers point at him all night and talking about him. I can’t tell if he felt better about it, but I honestly would rather we solve the mystery and move onto other topics. I introduced the guy to Savine. Turns out the two of them went to the same salsa dancing club. She told me I shocked her with this intro of the Joe guy afterwards…I guess girls prefer this talking and pointing at the dude thing. I can’t do that. It could be tactless of me, but I hate talking about people without them knowing.
I met this other man, Pauli again for the second time. Pauli is an interesting fellow, but the man holds people with disdain. I can’t tell what it is, but I hope to never gain his attitude within my lifetime. He’s supposedly one highest ranking cardiologist in the world, so it could be arrogance that I’m detecting, but I doubt it’s only that. It’s almost as if he has dealt with one too many ignorant people or one too many sycophants in his life that he doesn’t hold people in a peers’ regard. I’ll ask him about that next time. He is a very intelligent fellow, so I’m sure he’ll be able to come up with good reasons for his behavior. I’m always amazed at what people will tell you when you stop them dead on track and ask them why they did what they did.
Still, despite his air of disdain, the guy is fun to talk to. He has a lot of interesting things to say when you bring up the subject of mal-practice lawsuits. The fact that he calls Decklin, co-owner of Owl n' Thistle--who is easily the oldest guy in the room "Young Man" doesn't hurt either.
Decklin is funny because he's like the perpetually drunk Irish grandpa. I once asked him if he has an Irish accent but he claims to have lived in the states for too long, so I said perhaps it's because he's drunk and slurring like a mofo. He tried to say something to the effect of maybe he's actually sober and only speaks properly when drunk, but he was too smashed to string two words together.


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