Saturday, April 08, 2006

And Back to the Family

15 days in and I've decided to stop writing about random people. Partly because I am very lazy; partly because I thought people would be more interesting than me but I've found that you have to generally spend a LOT more time with people to dig into the cool stuff (or you can ask if you can squeeze the girl's breasts, this breaks all sorts of ice like you would not believe--especially the guy standing next to you with his jaw hanging).
I went clubbing with my sister last night, and she had another relapse in sad drunken id with a lot of hurt and anger. I need to gather all my energy to deal with this, as much as I love to love everyone, my family comes first and moments like now, I just need to focus. If you've ever had a blacked-out drunk loved-one lash out at you for no good apparent reason, you'll understand why this takes up so much energy.


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