Monday, May 08, 2006

Going to See My Drug Dealers

What's more dangerous than a drunk driver? The crazy bleary-eyed programmer weaving through morning traffic after programming for 20 hours straight. For most of the night, most of the programmers was waiting on one person to get the central AI system down...we kept playing through the game and fixing random little bugs. Around 4a.m. the system was decently complete, and we all smoke tested it, I plugged in some random holes here and there and did my last check in at 5:03. Yeah, I can't tell you how many kinds of bad idea that might be to have me code during this time, but damned, at least it's done, and it's the best we've ever seen the game.
A few of my coworkers that were making random coffee runs during the night joked about finding a drug dealer for some coke. Worst joke EVER! I would have given my first born for a ball of cocaine last night...drugs are evil like that. No matter how above the influence you are, given the correct circumstance, it doesn't seem like such a bad thing. Of course, now that I'm sitting here at home, I'll tell you I was just joking about the first born for drug thing...hehehe...funny. Joking. Yeah.
I fell into bed around 6:30 and died. Damn my inability to stay dead. Woke up around 10:30. At least I slept well and didn't have crazy dreams about coding (the exciting life of a programmer, yes, wicked and wild dreams about code). I guess since I'm awake, I might as well go see my new drug dealer, REI. I hear tell he's having a huge sale on paraphernalia...I'm in need of some water filtering kit, you know, in case I need to filter some toilet water to cook my crack. I'm a classy gal, I can't just mix my crack with dirty toilet water.
A hike might be nice but who the hell do I know that is awake and not working?


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