Monday, May 01, 2006


Thirteen hours later, I'd like to say that I've completely remade the menu, but alas, no. I'd like to be able to say, "That sucks donkey balls," but it really doesn't. I'm pretty sure I will be so damned proud of myself when the damned thing is done...even though it's only a menu. I think in all the games that I've worked on, menus have always been where the artists go out of their way to push the graphics engine, mostly because that's where programmers can't hide behind the excuse of the engine not being able to handle it with all the AI and stuff running.
When all is done with this menu, it will have 3-d models on both screens with scrolling backgrounds and a splatter of sprites.
DS has been a royal pain in the ass to work with. In the beginning, it was the pain of going from one screen and one engine(GBA) to two screens and two engines(DS). Now the DS only have 1 3-d engine, so in order to have 3-d models to render on both screens, you have to fake it by splitting the engine's time. Problem with doing that is, you still have the two screens with data you need to keep separated and it takes a little getting used to in what can share the same engine and what can for this menu, I have two screens and sometimes but sometimes not, have two engines. Yeah, I get woozie from thinking about that all day.
I had to call it quits a little after midnight because I was programming by "I wonder what happens if I replace this with this..." I wonder--is never a good thing when programming, go bed. A walk in the park would sure be nice right about now.


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