Saturday, May 06, 2006

Cinco De Mayo

I met up with my sister who was having drinks with Jen and Bob Sapp last night (Jen is dating the big fighter dude) at her place. Bob is an amazingly humble guy. It was really nice to talk to him. He absolutely loves animals and could literally coo about his pets all night (Jen did some serious eye rolls during this). I've been wanting to get a dog, so I love hearing people talk about dogs.
After they left, my sister and I went to celebrate Cinco De Mayo at Las Magaritas. Being that I was in a Mexican joint on their festive holiday I ordered a magically delicious meal of Grilled Ham n' Cheese Sammich! It was so good. We also got handed some free men's large "Viva Corona" t-shirts.
I fell out of bed this morning walked by the mirror on my way to the computer and noticed I was having a fabulous hair day--as in I look like I just had my hair blown dry by a talented gay hair stylist. This is the hair fairy's way of mocking me. It knows I have to put my hair up in braids to go snowshoeing in a few minutes.


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