Saturday, April 01, 2006

Day 9 - Brandon

Last night ended up being one big blur of meeting a whole sea of people at some club. I think there was a time when I found the idea of meeting more people than I can remember fun. I most certainly do not feel that way anymore.
Brandon, whom I somehow misheard to be Randy, was kind enough to let me call him Randy if I did so desire. Wow…that wasn’t even phonetically close, I’m hearing things now. Brandon is an old friend of Jace whom I didn’t realize is from Phoenix, Arizona. He’s only visiting for a couple days which is unfortunate because they love to snowboard. Jace hinted at going boarding, but man…being the guy with the psycho ex-girlfriend that can’t let go and might have keyed my sister's car because she thinks my sister likes him, I don’t think so.


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