Day 10 - Nick
I met Nick at Lola's while having some snacks with my sister, waiting for my buddy, Sung and his girlfriend Katie to show up. Nick currently works as a system engineer for some company owned by Microsoft. He's just in town for a week for training. He's from D.C. and seems content to stay within the hotel range...which I later found out made perfect sense because the dude is married and has a two years old daughter. I think it's sweet that he's not prowling and quite frankly I was happy to have someone to chat with that doesn't think about clawing me.
Sung and Katie shows up and I was happy to say, being that I used to date Sung and being that it was the first time I met Katie, she’s just a sweet gal. Although, knowing Sung, I doubted she would be all that heinous if he would date her. I’m extremely happy to see them happy together. There were two things that flagged me though, and I hate flagging things…but I have to at least acknowledge them (always be honest with yourself).
One, she hinted at hanging out with my sister and I without Sung, which means she wants to be my friend. I’ve found so far in my short little life that that is ALWAYS a god-awful idea. It doesn’t even matter if you like the gal, this has bad written all over it. It’s like how a gal friend of Brian’s (who harbors deep love for him) recently moved out to
Don’t mix friends. I became good friend with Brian’s ex-girlfriend because he is my buddy, and I love him, and I love the people he loves. When you're friends with a couple, you always want to be unbiased but you never can be.
Two, she tried to push me to give Sung’s buddy a chance in the dating arena. This makes my skin crawl in the worst way possible...honest-to-god heebie-jeebies like you would not believe. I could be old fashion at times, but the whole 90210 thing doesn’t rock my boat. If I dated that guy, my friends should not be looking at that guy (seriously I don’t sleep around enough for this to be a problem). In the same note, I consider all of Sung’s close friends off-limits. It’s just a simple respect thing. I understand a lot of people don’t play by that rule, and I can respect that they are that way…those people are not close friends of mine. I most certainly didn't choose to be single to scam on Sung's buddies. *shudders again at the thought*
All in all, I was happy to finally meet Katie and I’m happy to see that she obviously adores him and that he cares for her a lot. I hate thinking that she might believe that I hate her and didn't care to give a rat's ass about meeting her (it's really not true, I'd give at least five rats' butt-cheeks to meet Katie). Sung is a good friend of mine, I do love him and as mentioned before, I love the people that he loves.
Happiness is knowing who your friends are, and knowing you should never have to choose from amongst them.
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