Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Day 12 - Jerimiah

Starbucks aprons when worn backward looks like it has a cannibis leaf on it. Really. That's what I thought it was when I saw this guy wearing it. I asked him if he was serving us "extra special" coffee today. He looked down at his apron and said, "Jeez, some coffee master I am." He takes his apron off and puts it back on right. It's got a coffee plant with the words "Coffee Master" underneath it. I think it's a hidden message. This is Jerimiah, my barista of the day. I asked him about the whole "Partner of the Month" thing they have at Starbucks. I thought maybe they get a party hat and a free cup of coffee...but nope, they just get their picture displayed. What a rip off!!? Apparently they vote for each other every month and that's their little version of hi-fiving their fellow coworker. Bleh! I hate having my picture taken. If I made partner I would have the biggest smile while flipping you the double bird. Classy! And fired.


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