Saturday, April 01, 2006

Assholes Needed

I seem to be coming up short in supply of asshole buddies of late. This is a bit of a problem. Maybe I should put out an ad in CraigsList for them. I'm either oversupplied with assholes or undersupplied. By asshole buddies, I mean buddies whom I go out and do various outdoors activities with. All of them are extremely good at their sport and have a strong love for it. All of them will happily push me to my limits and then some. If I fall badly, they will check on me, and tell me to get up and keep moving.
Rob, my snowboarding buddy, rolled his ankle a couple months ago and that put him out for the season. William, my climbing buddy, is always a little flakey. Charlie, my mountain biking buddy, just started school and is working full-time so he’s always a bit busy. Daniel, my hiking buddy, is knee deep in crunch mode from hell, luckily he should be done with his project soon.
Now it’s pouring dogs and cats outside, and had Daniel been in the plans for hiking today, I know he would be the jumpiest little boy eager to test his boys scout gears against the weather! This is the amazing thing about having and asshole buddy who is good at and love the sport. They don’t quit, nor will they let you. Before I hiked with Daniel, if there was even one cloud in the sky I would think maybe it might drizzle, I should stay home and sleep. I’m sure all non-avid hikers have done that. It could mess my hair up. I could get all wet and miserable.
No, that was not allowed. Daniel actually went with me to REI to make sure I have some basic hiking rain gear and off we went. We hiked in the rain on a snow covered mountain. It was awesome! I looked like a drowned rat at the end of it, but it was a lot of fun. Really though, if you live in Seattle and you don’t ever want to hike or bike in the rain, you’re spending a lot of time thinking about it.
Today, I’m hiking with my backup hiking buddy, Dennis, I wish he has decent rain gear.
I think I need to find a few more backup buddies for the other sports, I have a bunch of backup hiking buddies, but not enough for the other sports.
I'm going to be a bit irked if we can't hike today...hell I gave up drinking last night for this! Yes, one whole night of drinking, I haven't even done that much for work all week (terrible i know)! I'm honestly still more than a little dehydrated from giving blood. I've noticed I tend to be a lot more lethargic and extremely dehydrated for the few days after giving blood. I think a pint = some 600g of blood = 1.3 lbs of blood. It's not a lot but if you barely weigh the 110 lbs it takes to donate, 1.3 lbs is a lot.


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