I packed a few of the items I thought I would need for a backpacking trip and some water...and the god damned bag was close to 20lbs. I've always wonder how it was possible that most backpacks for a couple nights of camping would be easily more than 30lbs, now I know why. Fucking water!!! Small doohickeys add up too.
Hiking Mt. Si with an extra 20lbs was waaay more painful than I could ever imagine. Understanding that this is about 18 percent of my body weight, I still didn't think it would be this hard. It was so hard, I actually thought about going back to car and dumping all the stuff for most of the first mile.
Oh man, thinking back now, I actually felt bad for Dennis because I was crawling along slowly like a beaten turtle, crying and complaining all the way. At some point he actually carried part of my lunch for me. Yeah, I bought these two bananas and a sammich for lunch. Did you know 2 bananas can weigh fucking .87 lbs? That doesn't seem like much until you have 20 fuckings lbs on your back on an uphill climb, suddenly, I'm thinking why the hell did I buy those damned things. They would decompose fairly nice in the woods. Dennis carried them. He also then added a giant rock to his bag so that he too could get the "Feel The Burn" exercise I was getting. He slowed down significantly after acquiring said rock too, so I felt a little less bad about my slow crawl.
Oddly enough, around the one mile mark, I actually was able to move along at a decent pace. Dennis later made an apt remark that while it actually never stopped sucking to have to carry all the extra weight uphill, you actually stop caring about the "suck" part and ignore it. As we neared the top we notice the heavy fog everywhere. By the time we got to the top, the fog was so thick you could barely see a thing. Normally, you can see the town and freeway all the way from up top.
We had lunch on some pile of rocks, while these two huge shameless birds came to beg for food. They had absolutely zero fear of human. Then there was this adorable little chipmunk. Poor thing, I kept trying to throw him some bread but the birds shoo'd him away (they were about the same size as the little guy, with a big mean beak) and kept stealing the bread. By the time I finished my sandwich, the birds had stolen every bread crumb and the chipmunk still got nothing, so I broke open a bag of trail mix for him.
Being that the chipmunk was so darned tiny I thought dropping him 3 peanuts and a large almond would be plenty. Nope. The little guy weaved around us and under our legs and everywhere else until I kept dropping more food. He made out with something like 10 peanuts and 1 almond.
Going back down was surprisingly easy with the extra 20lbs, but man my knees burned, especially my one still broken knee (no, it still hasn't had a chance to recover). Why the hell am I still doing all this? Well, there's an obvious answer. I'm fucking crazy. How else would I have the energy to maintain? Ever notice how those people in straight jackets could thrash around for 24hrs straight and still have the energy to kick their caretakers' asses? Crazy people energy. The hike was actually a lot of fun with the extra challenge...extremely painful but fun.
Hmmm...must go get ready to go clubbing with my sister. I can't ban her from clubbing with me two nights in a row (yes, I actually banned her yesterday).

Hiking Mt. Si with an extra 20lbs was waaay more painful than I could ever imagine. Understanding that this is about 18 percent of my body weight, I still didn't think it would be this hard. It was so hard, I actually thought about going back to car and dumping all the stuff for most of the first mile.

Oh man, thinking back now, I actually felt bad for Dennis because I was crawling along slowly like a beaten turtle, crying and complaining all the way. At some point he actually carried part of my lunch for me. Yeah, I bought these two bananas and a sammich for lunch. Did you know 2 bananas can weigh fucking .87 lbs? That doesn't seem like much until you have 20 fuckings lbs on your back on an uphill climb, suddenly, I'm thinking why the hell did I buy those damned things. They would decompose fairly nice in the woods. Dennis carried them. He also then added a giant rock to his bag so that he too could get the "Feel The Burn" exercise I was getting. He slowed down significantly after acquiring said rock too, so I felt a little less bad about my slow crawl.

Oddly enough, around the one mile mark, I actually was able to move along at a decent pace. Dennis later made an apt remark that while it actually never stopped sucking to have to carry all the extra weight uphill, you actually stop caring about the "suck" part and ignore it. As we neared the top we notice the heavy fog everywhere. By the time we got to the top, the fog was so thick you could barely see a thing. Normally, you can see the town and freeway all the way from up top.

We had lunch on some pile of rocks, while these two huge shameless birds came to beg for food. They had absolutely zero fear of human. Then there was this adorable little chipmunk. Poor thing, I kept trying to throw him some bread but the birds shoo'd him away (they were about the same size as the little guy, with a big mean beak) and kept stealing the bread. By the time I finished my sandwich, the birds had stolen every bread crumb and the chipmunk still got nothing, so I broke open a bag of trail mix for him.

Being that the chipmunk was so darned tiny I thought dropping him 3 peanuts and a large almond would be plenty. Nope. The little guy weaved around us and under our legs and everywhere else until I kept dropping more food. He made out with something like 10 peanuts and 1 almond.
Going back down was surprisingly easy with the extra 20lbs, but man my knees burned, especially my one still broken knee (no, it still hasn't had a chance to recover). Why the hell am I still doing all this? Well, there's an obvious answer. I'm fucking crazy. How else would I have the energy to maintain? Ever notice how those people in straight jackets could thrash around for 24hrs straight and still have the energy to kick their caretakers' asses? Crazy people energy. The hike was actually a lot of fun with the extra challenge...extremely painful but fun.
Hmmm...must go get ready to go clubbing with my sister. I can't ban her from clubbing with me two nights in a row (yes, I actually banned her yesterday).
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