Monday, March 20, 2006

Honesty is Funny

I went out to dinner with my sister and these two older gentlemen last night at the Waterfront Restaurant. They needed to have a pow-wow on this upcoming Seattle Film Festival opening night gala thing. I was having my pow-wow with my Grey Goose drink, Cucumber-Kazi. Cucumber-Kazi and I met about a year and a half ago...I still fall in love every time.
In the middle of random chit-chat, one of the guy (I'm pretty sure he's fabulous jazz-hand gay), said something about how he doesn't agree with how people are so okay with the whole Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie thing. I had to chime in that I thought it made perfect sense that they're together because they're two of the most beautiful people on the planet. Have you seen Mr. and Mrs. Smith? It doesn't matter if your gay or straight, male or female, you can't tell who you want to have sex with more...they're both that stupid hot! Not to mention Angelina Jolie can kick any gal off the Hot Girl Island...if there's any one girl that could make me re-think my being straight, it would be her. The other guy, Eric, agreed with me. The first guy comments on how that's a little unfair to Jennifer who had this marriage thing and that we should consider how she might be hurt by this whole thing. I reiterated that Angelina is smoking hot. He looked at me and asked, "Well, don't you think you're being a bit shallow here?" Without missing a beat, I said, "Oh, definitely. I'm not even making any excuse for my bad behavior."
Everyone laughed. I continued, "Really though, being shallow is like being a hypocrite, everyone has a bit of it in them. If you claim to never have been either, I'm not sure I want to talk to you because you're a liar." More laughter. Eric nods, and declares, "I love this girl!" It’s strange how when you say things that are in people's head, they find it funny.


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