Sunday, March 19, 2006

Spring Cleaning and Clowns

I've finally decided to clean my room after ooooh...let's not talk about how long. I've found the perfect solution to figuring out what clothing to pack and give to charity. Here's what you do, don't clean your room for an entire year, at the end of a year, go in with two large garbage bags (edit: make that five), bag up everything that's still folded in various drawers and stuff that are still neatly hanging. Then wash and put away all the clothing on the floor. It's that simple. Remember you have to be strong! It has to be at least a year so that you know you've covered all the seasons and seasonal sports activity. Don't be weak and clean after a couple months because that will reset your timer. If you feel an urge to clean, just call up a buddy and head to the bar. Or better yet make sure you fill up every free moment with some random activity. Plan multiple day snowboarding trips! Meet up with friends across the country to go to a strip club. Start a blog. Play any MMO obsessively. In moments of desperation, think of something that you must do at work and/or work late!
Whew! I'm so glad I was so resilient in my fight against the neat freak in me! I’ve found all sorts of stuff in my closet that I’m wondering how they got there and why? Amongst them were a few company t-shirts, lots of random crappy game related shirts I snagged from E3. Then there’s this Pucker promo shirt that I got from some bar, I think I had to fight some fat lady for it, the thing is a small babydoll top…so I think I shamed her into giving it to me. I’m going to hell, all for a shirt so ugly I wouldn’t consider wearing. I’d like to blame the bar and my randomly competitive spirit. I found a bunch of tops that are still cute, but I just got bored of, so maybe I should ask my sister to wear them so that I could steal it back. It’s like the abandoned toy thing, except I’m no longer five, so it’s a bit less acceptable, but whatever.
The cream of the crop were these fluorescent pink and green (seriously, fluorescent) pants and shirts that my mom bought for me and my sister when she was in China. The day my mother gave them to me, I asked her if she bought them for us because she was afraid to lose us in the crowd and needed some overly bright clothes to identify us from 50 miles away. She insisted they were hip and trendy in China. I told her yes, but this is America, but I’ll keep the clothing in case we get in a fight and I needed something to wear when I runaway to join the circus. She laughed because she knew it was true. I showed my sister the lovely gifts from mom later, she looked at them and laughed, then ran away before I could throw them at her. This is like the creepy toy thing that no one wants to play with, ever!


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