Sunday, March 19, 2006

Mission Impossible - Shoe Shopping

After I cleaned out my room of all the excess junk...I decided I needed more new junk. So I went shopping. My shopping trip today, like most of my trips, are not your typical girl shopping trip. I think it's more like a hostage rescue mission, without the cool black gear. I have an exact plan of where to go and what to hunt down. Go, go, go!
Except I need new shoes. I suck at shoe shopping. I own TWO pair of shoes, the black ones and the brown ones. They go with pretty much everything I wear. I mentioned this to one of my sister's new galfriend, Jo, who has a shoe fetish (seriously, she loves them, she loves showing them off, she loves talking about them). I think on the forth time that she saw me, she stared at my shoes like they offend her, and said, "Oh my god, you really DO own two pairs of shoes!?" Yeah, it takes a lot of mental coordination to lie, I'm saving that for something more important than my shoe whether or not I stole a bite of your food when you looked away.
Despite my lack of shoe collection, I just found out I still have some girly girl in me. The last time, prior to today, that I went shoes shopping was for some hiking boots at REI. The nice salesman went through a lot of trouble explaining the different types of hiking boots and how to match them up to the different types of hike you plan to do with them. Like if you're just a day hiker, like me, you need some lightweight boots with a price range of $50-100, so you can swift jaunt up and down mountains for a good daily exercise. If you plan on doing some heavy duty backpacking/camping hiking, you need these heavy burly boots to offset the backpack weight and support your feet with all that extra poundage, with price range of $100-200. Then there are hardcore mountaineering kind that he pretty much didn't bother going into. After all his recommendation and shoe trying on, I went for the pair that he didn't bring out because he thought it was not what I needed for a day hike. They were the most expensive and close to heaviest. He was a bit perplexed that I would chose these $200 boots over the nice $100 ones, I had to explain to him, "I'm a girl, and those boots are ugly, there's no way I would wear those boots even for hiking." Hiking boots are generally pretty fugly shoes, they come in hideous colors of poop brown and taupe. I got these nice dark gray sweet looking, they are a bit heavy though. The girl in me shows up at the weirdest moment.
Back to my sad two pairs of shoes, due to the extensive use I get out of them, they are in dire need of replacement. I just want new shoes that looks exactly like my current ones. No, luck. So, I bought a roll of duct tape and some chewing gum and called it done. You know you're shoes are in sad state when you're too embarassed to bring them to a shoe repair place. They're that beaten.


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