Brian and I went to King Cora last night because that’s the place we go to when we haven’t hung out in a while.
It’s one of my favorite bar for chatting because the place is a nice dive bar where you know the people are there for being there and not to be “seen” there.
It always seems to have a nice mix of random people.

The weird thing about that place is, it really is such a dive, but we’ve always had such a good time there that I’m almost certain the place has magical properties. Check out that weird photo I took, the painting (yeah, that's an AT-AT) looks crappy in the crappy bar, but it looks magical in the photo. Maybe cameras can pickup the magic dust in the air there.
Almost immediately after we sat down, I leaned over and told Brian I was in love with the girl sitting across from us. There’s this blonde gal sitting across from us, reading the Stranger. She was sipping some kind of shot and drinking PBR. When she finished that first shot, she went and got another and started sipping that. Seriously, what’s not to love about this gal?
At some point during the night she was up next to place pool. In the span of time that it took me to pour beer for myself and Brian (who had left to smoke outside and I was too happy being warm to even consider freezing to continue our chat), the guy she was playing had gotten all but his eight ball in. She looked at me, I smiled at her, and she said, “Wow, he’s not cutting me any slack!?” I laughed and said, “Yeah, I’ve played those guys before, they don’t fuck around. But not only that, the table sucks, you have to know the par and the pockets are narrower.” Tis true, the table requires some pro-golfing skill, and those guys play there all the freaking time…and they take their pool game seriously.
She lost and they started another game since no one else was lining up to play some golf-pool. I asked her what she was drinking and she said, “Oh it’s Jameson, this place does $3 Jameson on Wednesday nights. I work nearby and I always try to come here for this on Wednesdays after work.” I'm so in looooove!
The gal introduced herself without me hounding her for a name as Leah (pronounced Lee-yah). She’s so damned sweet and friendly. She’s 22, works at a place called Cayenne (somethin’ like that) and has a boyfriend. For some odd reason they both work in Seattle, but they live on the east side.
Another reason I adore this gal, she’s very upfront about the fact that she has a boyfriend with all these guys that are playing pool with her. Still, a couple of them tries to put their hands on her, she puts them in their place in a very nice way.
After she left, I told Brian, “You know…she reminds me of Cameron Diaz in a way.” He agrees. It’s because she has that same, not so striking face, and okay body (yeah Cameron has a decent body, but not smoking by Hollywood standard)…but she’s so damned radiant. This girl, had I taken a picture of her, would have not looked like all that, but in person, you can not help but be drawn to her. No still image of this gal could ever hope to do her any justice…she just radiates charm and personality.
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