The last 5 or so times I've hiked Si, it was covered in fog or snow, so I forget how nice the view can be. Damn it's nice...even with the ominous clouds, it's nice.
Same rock Dennis was standing on from
the last hike-->

I couldn't find anyone that was awake, not busy and wanting to hike Mt. Si so I went alone. *sob* All alone. A dog really does sound nice but with my work schedule it wouldn't be fair to the dog. Last night as we approached hour 18, one of the level designer suddenly shout, "Oh my god, my poor dog!" Game developers' schedule isn't too kind on the relationship front from any angle either.

It strange to think I used to (like 6 months ago?) find this hike to be difficult. It's pretty long and time consuming...but not that tough. Of course, I hiked it unencumbered and without severe blood loss this time. Still, hiking alone is a bit more difficult because you can punk out without anyone knowing. I
could have photoshop'd that gal into that picture. Which
would be a bit loserly...but no one would know. Although taking your own photograph by cheesy hand-length snap is pretty loserly too.
Daniel sent me some of the pictures he took while we were at Pilchuck. The picture of this ledge that we were standing on gives me wobbly-knees just by picture alone.
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