Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Racks and Hair Dye

Whew! This year has gone by fast. How is everyone’s holiday going? I hope you got the chance to spend some quality time with friends and family.

Myself, I got the chance to spend it with just about every person I really care for – including a bunch of old high school friends whom I haven’t seen in a long while. I saw my one token girlfriend, Gigi. I saw my high school clique, for the most part everyone stayed the same, except for my friend, Myra, who is now 5 months pregnant (which while slightly shocking was a bit expected since she’s been married for a long while now). They were extremely shocked that I’ve cut my hair so short and stopped eating red meat and kept asking if I was okay…perhaps I’ve hit my head or suffered from some horrible mental trauma. I’m surprised I could still shock them considering I’ve been the one that kept changing on them – perhaps I haven’t changed much in a while…but I’m very different from the girl they knew in high school. My favorite quote of the night had to be from my friend Nhan (keep in mind, this group is ALL Chinese), someone was asking if I was going to dye my hair red again and he said, “Oh, my god, I almost asked if you dyed your hair black, I forgot that’s your natural hair color.” We gave him the brilliant guy of the night award. It's a good thing he's an electrical engineer because we wouldn't want him doing anything important.

I went to a Christmas party with my old roommate, Dave. I got to hang out with my old drinking buddies which is very nice. The scariest thing about that night had to be all signs pointing to brain damage when I keep meeting people whom I’ve apparently met before through Dave that I didn’t recognize. I’ve prided myself in remembering faces even if I don’t remember names…but oops. I guess there was a point during that party phase that I was just meeting more new faces than I can remember too. One guy did make a mistake in having met me:

Random Guy: Didn’t we meet before?
Me: I don’t think so, although you wouldn’t be the first person I don’t remember here tonight…but I’m pretty sure I haven’t met you. Unless you happen to know my old roommate, Dave – in which case, I was probably too drunk to remember if I’ve met you. Do you know Dave?
Random Guy: No, I don’t know Dave, but you look like my friend Zoë’s girlfriend.
Me: Hahaha, no I don’t swing that way, I wish I did, but no.
Random Guy: Well, if it makes you feel any better, she’s hot and has a nice rack.

I guess if someone is going to accuse me of looking like some lesbian, it ought to be a hot lesbian with nice tits.


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