Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Age Category

I went rock climbing with my buddy, William, last night. I haven't climbed with him in a long while, so it was nice to catch up with him. He mentioned he just started dating his ex-girlfriend again not too long ago. Red flags. I asked him why he thought things would work out this time around. He said he feels that he's a very different person now than he was two years ago...years of good therapy has paid off. I can see how this might be true, he does sound like a different William. He had this problem with being a bit clingy and co-dependant, he seems a lot more comfortable with himself these days.
Then he mentioned that his now ex-ex-girlfriend mentioned that she's now 39 and her clock is ticking. Major red flag! I started giving him my schpeal on how he's too good for a girl who suddenly finds him lifemate worthy when her clock starts ticking. He replies, "Champagne, you're talking from the perspective of a someone in a different age category. You have to understand, I'm over 40." That stopped me dead in my train of thoughts, I realize he is right. I've asked him before if he feels that there are more age milestones that I would eventually hit, and he was not so sure before, now I think this is one of them.
It's like how when I talk to someone that is 21, I expect that they're majoring in every fucking thing and they will "want" to save the world before bedtime. Cool. I can accept that about someone in that age category, if you're 31 and doing the same thing, I'll have to grab you by the shoulders and shake you really really hard.
I'm expecting that when I'm 40, if I have yet to find my lifemate, I will be happy with a good companion. It's not settling, it's taking the best that life has to offer and appreciating it, and honestly being extremely thankful for it. It's nice to hang out with people of different backgrounds and age ranges, they give you fresh perspective on things.


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