Tuesday, March 21, 2006


What goes thunk, then honk-honk-honk-honk-honk...in the middle of the night? That shit will wake you up with your heart pounding in your throat. Someone broke into my sister's car with the intention of stealing her rims. She has these super bling-bling 22" chrome rims on her Cadillac Escalade. My brother arrived at home right after her alarm went off...they broke her passenger side window and found her tire lock...in the process of searching for her tire lock they dumped out the content of her purse, there's close to $500 in cash scattered all over the front seat. Apparently someone wanted her rims really bad...screw this green paper thing, I spit on them Benjamins! Her car had cinder blocks under them (we could have almost had the white trash house of our dreams)...there's still a tire wrench attached to one of the tire lug nut. My brother called the cops when he saw this. In the end they only ran off with her empty purse and camera. It's a bit scary because we understand that whoever did this, REALLY want those rims... We also have a bad feeling our neighbors next door did this. Yeah, my sister's car was part in front of our house, inches away from their property. My brother saw one of the neighbor outside when he pulled up...the dude claimed to have gone outside because he heard people running between our houses. I sleep on that side of the house, I hear people running between our houses all the time. So yeah, needless to say, we're all a bit frazzled and not too sleepy.


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