Monday, March 27, 2006

Baby Neck

After boarding for five solid hours yesterday I expected to wake up with some creaks and pain in my legs. Nope, my legs feel great, no aches, not even a muscle spasm. Awww, but my neck! Owwww! It feels like I had gone to a really good metal concert or raved for 12 hours. Baby neck! Yes, yes, I've got a bad case of baby know how when you pick a baby up, you have to support his/her head because they don't have working neck muscle yet...that's me. Craddling my stupid giant head to get off the pillow this morning. Good times. :)
Oh, and my abs hurt. So apparently I had imagined going snowboarding and working yesterday. I had obviously gone to the gym to do a hundred sit-ups followed by a rocking death metal concert. I must be getting old and forgetting actual events.


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