Saturday, March 25, 2006

Day 1 & 2

Sometimes, you're drunk enough to think you've met two very very special people in one night. Tonight, I do not believe I'm all that drunk, but I never really believe I am...yet, two in one night.
Person 1: I can not say enough nice things about this person. His name is Colin. Colin is a nice laid back guy. Hung out at my sister's place had some food. His family owned Owl n' Thistle for about 13 or so years, he's been there for about 11 of it. His family is actually from Galway, real Irish decent, who knew. Anyhow, he does still have family in Galway, Dublin and London. Another, who knew moment for me--while I was in London I felt like subways were afraid to have rubbish-bins there because of angry Irish bombers...but no. Colin's thing is, people from Ireland moved to England because they wanted to make a living, why the hell would they bomb it. Good point. Go, Colin!
Person 2: Special because the dude rides the social short bus. Adorable as fuck...seriously one of the best looking guy, but so damned clueless that you have to believe he WANTS to be clueless. Hi to Nathan. So we all went to Owl n' Thistle where Colin plays the ultimate host in a not so pompous way and asks everyone what they want to drink including this Nathan guy who is a friend of our friend. I feel bad about ordering...but Colin is being Guinness to my weak heart. The dude, Nathan, ordered something than walked away. My girlfriend Jen said he was being a jerk. Colin agreed. I didn't understand...apparently while Colin asked what everyone wanted, Nathan thanked him by saying, "Thanks for the drink even though I didn't have breasts or a vagina." In THOSE words. I think Nathan might lack some skills in the tact department. So when he got back from the bathroom, Colin handed him a beer. And I remarked, "Colin, that's so sweet of you to buy him a beer even though he was being a jackass." Nathan was shocked. He wanted to know why I would say that about him. I asked him if he just made some off-handed comment about not having a vagina to someone buying him a drink, he said, yeah, but he thought he was being funny. So, I told him, "Then why the hell are you surprised I'm calling you a jackass?"
He looked hurt, he honestly thought he was being funny. I told him, "It's cool that you made a bad joke and didn't realize it was bad, but I still have to call you on it. Now that I've called you a jackass, we can both let it go."
We all sat down, Nathan tries to be nice by asking me, "So what nationality are you, Chinese, Japanese, or Korean?" I told him Chinese. He proceeds to marvel at my good English and asks me to tell him about China because he's a stupid American. I told him that I speak very good English because I've been here since 4 and that I know about as much as him when it comes to China. He then asks if my sister is Korean. I said, "Yes, obviously! She's my sister, so she must be the Korean milkman's daughter...but my mom has made some comment about finding her in the dumpster. So, yes, my sister is most certainly Korean." The guys is a serious goldmine of clueless comments, I had to stop him at some point because I was laughing so hard, and Jen was about to kick his ass.


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