Sunday, March 26, 2006

Day 3

I woke up at 6 this morning…a little hungover, extremely dehydrated. Looked outside, and I thought, fuck Snoqualmie. So I got up to get a drink, then packed up my gear and drove over to Stevens Pass.

When I got to the mountain, I didn’t know what the fuck to do with my board. I’ve never used these strappy bindings before. I marveled at the strappiness for a while before figuring out how to stick my feet in them. When I finally got myself all strapped in, I stood up and immediately fell over. How embarrassing. I laughed and stood up again. Fell over again. I was getting owned my board and I didn’t even hit the slopes yet. Still, once I got used to my new bindings, life was so sweet. The board was extremely responsive. Half the time, it felt like I just had to think about turning a certain way to get the thing to turn.

Around lunchtime, I was frozen thru and thru so I went to get some hot food and a beer. After, the meal, I was still feeling a deep chill, so I decided to hit the bar for a shot. Nothing warms a person up quite like a shot of tequila. Now José and I have not spoken much since college, and quite frankly, I still think he’s a fucker…his cousin Don Julio, on the other hand, is slowly winning my heart. I took the last empty bar seat between these two guys. Some guy just ordered this really good looking drink, like a frothy version of Irish Coffee, I figured that would also help in warming me up. The bartender had to roll out the rolling ladder to grab my tequila, which made everyone look over at me with a “What the fuck did you just order?” look.

One of the guy next to me, asked me about my order and so we discussed the merits of tequila. After a while of chitchat, I noticed he had closed out his tab and was supposed to be leaving, so I apologized for keeping him and told him maybe he should get back to his friends. He told me he came alone.

Me: Oh, you loser, you have no friends.

Dude: *laughs* Yes, I’m a loser.

Me: Hehehe, that’s okay, I’m a loser too. Let me buy you a shot since you were curious about this tequila.

Since it’s extremely rude to buy someone a shot and not do one, I had tequila number 2. The dude’s name is Kevin. Kevin travels like crazy for his job…he trains people to use certain software. Last year he spent a hundred something odd nights in hotel rooms. I mentioned I make games for a living…and oddly enough, he mentioned that someone’s someone’s neice’s husband, named Matt Turnbull was also in the industry. Small freaking world, Matt works at my company. After more chatting, Kevin feels like he should buy a round in return. Tequila #3 more than warmed me up…I was on fire. So after a bit more chitchat, I bid Kevin farewell to go back to the slopes.

You know how you figure out if you fell really really hard? When strangers come up to see if you were okay, then asks you “What’s 9 times 8?” to check if you’ve gone braindead.

Work was a big blur…I think I spent 2 hours trying to debug something, which I figured out in about five minutes after I left work. That happens all the freaking time.


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